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Speed Soro
S3 licensed
I still play GTL and I have amazing immersion with this sim. I divide what I expect between the various sims, cause I undertand that no one is like other.

From Simbin games I find real tracks and cars, real pilots (at least in brazilian servers I have found drivers from Formula Truck, Stock Car Ligth and the extinted Copa Clio). Good sounds, goods cockpits, good simulation and good single player.

From NKP I find great immersion, great feeling and force feedback.

From iRacing I find great simulation, great system, and big prices

From rFactor I find some great mods that I play once in a while...

And from LFS I find some great immersion, great ffb, and great MP system for pick up races.

All these thing started in 2004, with LFS, when I realize the huge difference between what I though was a sim (TRD2), and what really was a sim.

The biggest moment was when S2 came out. There was a video (s2 onboard) that I think I watched at least 30 times before S2 be released.

Great times that age, because, between the time when I met LFS and S2 came out, did not pass too much time.

S2 was a big step. Since than I'm expecting something really new, so big as S2 was.

(sorry for English mistakes, I have not much time now for corrections)
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Sorry Tiago, I try, but I couldn't see this movement in that video.

What I see was just small corrections very normal in those type of cars (anyone who has played GPL knows that).

I think this technique is too risk, even in a simulator with good feedback like LFS. In real life, to create this balance seems to be very hard to trust in. Any grip recovering and you will find the rear going away or the front going inward.

I think all LX6 needs is a good setup and too much countersteering to manage with its rebel behavior.

I'm still waiting for some real video with this movement very visible, and done on purpose.

edit: about the polling, I don't think people has understood the question, or have been totally honest. Maybe many has voted before read. I never see anyone doing this movement, except noobs that don't know countersteer. Now after voted, I see 33% of "YES". Come on, I simply doubt.
Last edited by Speed Soro, .
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Quote from SamH :I can imagine how you're seeing it, but I'm not sure that there's necessarily a direct connection between the increase in popularity for dumbed-down/arcadey games and any decrease in racing simulation popularity.

The sim mentality has always been a niche market.. small in numbers, and generally a bit geekish. I think the desire for a realistic physics simulation is something that comes from deep-down in someone.. perhaps even at the genetic level, and I honestly don't think that a person with that "sim gene" would ever be satisfied with NFS or GTA etc.

I do think they might *start* there, though. They might even buy a wheel for it.. but sooner or later, their curiosity will peak and they'll wonder if there's a sim out there that can quench their thirst for realism. They'll go Googling, searching the forums, and eventually find a discussion about a sim that sounds like it might meet their needs. Enter LFS

The most of people I know in LFS took this way to arrive to the game.

My case is similar: I played Toca2, when, in a local forum, read from someone something like: "I consider this the best simulator ->", than I was surprised for something that until today I cant understand exactly. Maybe I got this "sim gene" too.

The handling was terrible, the graphics were simple, the sound were awful, but something got me.

I see when people knows LFS just two reactions: love or hate. Rarely someone who doesnt like it, will give a try, but if so, these people normaly give up after one week.

I think better graphics, better sounds, more tracks would increase the popularity of the game a lot, and I think the "dumbed" public should be considered, cause, the server population doesnt lie: drift and cruise (a kind of thing made for dumbs) are the big public of the game right now.
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Sarcasm + internet + brain = pass
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Quote from SamH :You're exactly right. And you don't need to take my word for it either. Scawen has said it before, many times - both directly and indirectly, and most importantly in every fibre of what LFS is and how it's being developed.

LFS is part of a goal, for the devs, and the goal is to live a full and happy life. LFS is both a means to that end and also an end in itself. And it's working.

Any other speculation on what LFS is, or what people think the devs should be doing with LFS, is just pointless. The devs know exactly what their aims are, and they know exactly how they want to approach the process of achieving them.

And you are here to assure that their way of life will be no scratched? So, if people don't complain, as said by Jamie, maybe the devs could make more in a shorter time?

I think we are here talking about a comercial product that is sold on the market, and we as customers and fans, have the right to wait for more that match with this:

"A serious simulator obviously requires a very good physics simulation to provide the thrill and fun of real racing. This is done by simulating ALL ASPECTS that are important to racing."

We are not saying that LFS is not good, or the devs have not delivered what them promise under the announced price. We read the contract before buying.

We are waiting for improvements, and we are here to say that we will not give up so easy. We hope and trust that one day these things will be done, things like engine and brake heating, breakable parts, more tracks, and etc. And we will be facing people who just say amem, until the day we got banned from this server. Any problem with that? Are we offending someone?

Or are we about making the way of life of the devs something less that them intend?

I think not. BTW, we have too much respect for them, we are not here to bash anyone, or complaining just because we like to complain. We play LFS, we talk about LFS (BTW,I have no idea how many people play LFS today because me).

I understand that LFS is a product, dont matter if it is a happy way of life for a hippie or a serious comercial fact, but it is a product, it is on the market, we like it, we want more, and we are here just to say that. What is the problem with this?

If threads like that is "just pointless" or not, keep in mind that is just a result of the way "to approach the process of achieving", so reap the roses, they come with thorns.
Last edited by Speed Soro, .
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Quote from imadude10 :I'm sure the devs are working on these and other issues, but since unless the devs come out themselves and tell everybody, there's no telling when anything is released. If I recall correctly, Scawen said in one of his test patch posts that collision updates are going to be implemented before LFS loses its alpha tag.

That would be an advance. I'd like to see engine and brake heating.
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
I'm out. LFS should become arcade, and never heat or waste anything
Is there a schedule for:
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
- Brake's heating modeling
- Engine's heating modeling
- Better colisions
- Filter for drift servers

or there isn't?

I ask just because:

- Brakes are an important part of the race. A little change in the brake system and the lap time will down. Of course everyone knows, but it looks like anyone matters.

- Engines explode. They shouldn't be able to work at high speeds all the time without penalty. They need water, and water boils.

- It is not too much realistic flying without wings, and 80hp is not enough power to launch a tourism car to the 4th floor.

- It would be faster and useful do not see these rooms, at least 50% faster... once there are 5 drift servers for each 10 open.
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
The "Ancient Young" will be the title of S3 when it is released, and this will be the lauching's movie:
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
2014? 5 more years? hmmm... I think it is possible...
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Quote from driftoner :i think its perfectly valid.

ive seen it preformed a number of times in real life racing and also seen this preformed in the mud during rally races.

also the video declaires that its valid in lfs.

Could you find some video and link it here please? Thanks
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
So, all of you has came to a conclusion or not?

Is this technique valid, is it used in real life?

Is there a pair in real life to compare with it?

Is there any video, any real driver, to confirm something, or not?

Because I don't feel the LX6 behavior both natural neither predictable.

Some caterham video?
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
German is not race, is nationality, altough some nazi think different...
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
I think I wrote wrong too,

Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Quote from W1ldPort75 :Have you been reading all the topics lately ? I guess not

Sorry, I thought you were talking about the community, not the thread.
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Quote from aroX123 :I dont think this thread is so funny, i think it's funny but this is no respect for the devs. Their doing this for you, so you can enjoy the game but you are threating them like shit..

I don't see anyone threating the devs like shit here. It is your vision under don't know what sad perspective.

There is funny here, and I true believe that it is the better way to handle any situation.

Humor is good always, so let the people get some fun.
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Quote from W1ldPort75 :...But nobody talks how great lfs is now a days , on the contrary ...

Where? here? I guess you are totally wrong.

People rarely bash the game. Some people critics, but HERE, the majority says "Oh, how wonderful this game is" every time, all days, all nights, every week, the entire year.
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Slartibartfast, I do not know, but your talking sounds like coming from someone who was so soaked by the game, that lost contact with reality.
I like the LFS, but I do not see it as a simulator so faithful, not as in hand as the NKP or iRacing, for example.
Before, the LFS was the only one that connected me to the track, in a way that other games based on gmotor, could not. But with iRacing and NKP that I can connect, but with a more comprehensive handling.
I think this game can still improve a lot, and I hope it improves, both with respect to physical, as with the visual.
It is complicated to talk here. There is a great fanaticism, and a chat applicant, that the game is wonderful, and if it is improving or not, makes no difference.
The same people who now say that all is well, celebrate like crazy each minimum adjustment or improvement implemented, and create a new level of reference, and then say again that all is well now.
Them speak it since the age of S1. It is always the same thing. If it were up to a vision like yours, the game would be stopped even at that time, with 3 tracks, half a dozen cars and a physical primitive.
Do not see this as critical to the game. I am not attacking the game in this post, in any respect.
It is critical to this type of conformist opinion that is widespread here, which is in fact not the aim for any development, required for any software, and it is less the desired by the team of development, that work slowly, but works for the constant improvement of the game.
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Quote from Takumi_lfs :Guys, be happy what you already have. The users that moan are just little kids, I guess that everybody knows that. Scawen should directly ignore them since they dont have any idea how these things work.

I also don't know how these things work, but I prefer to not talk because I dont understand. I hope that the next patch also get post poned for another 2-3 month's. I'm already happy what I have.

One thing that I can't understand is that, Dev's do have a life they get to work when they want. But what the heck is wrong with you guys? Don't you have no lifes? Are you waiting all day long for the patch? Are you counting the days?

A little post from me, for those 24/7 annoying active users. They know who they are tho.

"Be happy what you already have..." is it a kind of buddhism?

"Dev's do have a life they get to work when they want..." did you find this in a business book? I think I should teach that for my kids...

"I also don't know how these things work, but I prefer to not talk because I dont understand..." is about God you are talking about? The mysteries of the faith... I believe brothers! Aleluia!

"Don't you have no lifes? Are you waiting all day long for the patch? Are you counting the days?"... Yeap, that is the point. We have no life, we need more doses... please help us.

BTW, have you copy and paste this from old post from the others fan boys or have you created so fantastic ideas from yourself?

Let people complain. Dont complain about complains, so you become the same.
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Antonio (Velociround), what you did here is kind low level that I'll not to participate.

First, the things that I said in public I sustain anywhere, but you had no rights to copy my post from brazilian forum (where in fact I'm a moderator too) and to paste here totally out of context. Things that you didn't say is that people had agreed with me.

You had no reason to do that, you behaved such a fool, a real kid trying to get attention to yourself and some applause from some fanboys of the community.

When I said about "nerves" and etc, that was really a joke, but even if it wasn't, you had no reason for come here to attack me. Mainly because that was a final line of a short post where I had talked very well about the game.

I think you are really new to LFS and have no idea about what such things I already have done for this game in our country.

If I complain, this is for real reasons, and I have too many life experience, professional and personal, to know what I'm doing. And if I complain, the mainly reason is because I care about the game and if it is going down.

About Eric, I sustain what I wrote there, but I would not put that here, cause there is no need for that. But Eric should have respect with the public that wait from him and Scawen. They are public persons, with public comitment and shall respect to their customers.

I sent to you a pm in our forum, and that was the last communication from me to you.

If one day we got back to talk, sure that will be after you have grown up a little bit.

Best Regards.
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
I think you are not normal.
I hate this bs, but you ask for, so: GET A LIFE!
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
So, some people say rFactor is crap, some people love, some people love LFS, some people hate, and the world will keep spinning, will not?
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
I am here in this forum recognized as someone who complains. Soro cries, Soro accuses.

People do not know how much I did for this game in my country.

I even sponsor a cup with money from my small business.

I am, or rather, I was one of the most enthusiastic player of LFS here.

I set up a new term that I called for "LFSensation" to describe the incredible immersion given by this game, your feeling, your drive.

I bought some struggles, from other forums in other communities as rFactor, GTR2, Nascar, when defending the only simulator that I really like to dive deep.

But time passes and things change, and I started opening my mind and enjoy other good works. because I like simulation, not necessarily of a particular simulator.

What I can say is that the LFS is really fantastic, but it is not the only one who provides.

It has a great feeling, but not the better set. iRacing has a great feeling, Netkar-Pro has a great feeling, and believe me, these two have a better performance on the track, much broader, much more predictable, much like a real car, starting with the simple fact that you do not drift so easily.

And rFactor, but below the LFS, also has many good features, and with the correct mod, and Real Feel Plugin installed, also a nice feeling.

I am not here to say that RF is better or worse than LFS. I just want to say I am happy to do not be a fanatic, so I can enjoy both.

LFS is great, but has only a few fictional tracks and a lot of cars that provide much immersion, but behaves a bit weird.

So I see no reason to elect only one simulator, with so many good options on the market.

If you can not enjoy this: ... iBWqQ&feature=related

So I just can say that you have a problem, not me

Best regards,
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Please, stop it, both sides. We take great shots from any game, has both good and bad aspects.
I think you do not get the exact point that I said about standardization.
The SCGM (Standardization Committee for Game Modification) is the group that will release or not a mod, track, plugin, whatever, under strict rules and standards, and soon after its approval the mod would be inserted in the system to dl.
If everybody could do what want, I do not think could be better than today, just because a single automation system dl.
A major problem that rFactor scenario faces today is the huge amount of bad mods and servers contemplating them.
The Committee would be the body that prevent the LFS get the same awful way.
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Quote from obsolum :Funnily enough, we are running the RAC at FE Green Rev this week We also had a UF1 on some AS configuration some time ago, which was an absolute blast. Last week was LX4 on AS3, the week before FOX on SO4. Have a look here for a history of the races (click on the weeknumber to see the what the combo was and the results for that race).

Tomorrow evening is the 1 hour race in the RAC. If you're interested, quali starts at 8pm GMT, race at 8.25pm GMT. Be warned, though, that combo is quite a handful! I'm pretty sure most of us are going to be knackered when the race is over It'll be interesting to see how many will join the race, as it's a combo with quite a steep learning curve. It'll be even more interesting to see how many people actually finish the race

hmmm that is around 17:00 here. It is not a good hour for me, due my work... I will try anyway.